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Amazing Facts about world

 Amazing Facts about world  #You have definitely heard of Napoleon and Hitlers name at least once in your entire lifetime.   They share surprising coincidence between them. Napoleon became leader in year 1804 and Hitler became leader in year 1933. Difference between both years is 1933-1804=129 years. Napoleon visited Vienna, Capital of Austria in year 1812 where as Hitler visited Vienna in year1941. Again difference between these years 1941-1812=129 years. Napoleon lost his last battle in year 1816. Hitler lost his last battle in year 1945. Again difference between these years 1945-1816=129 years. #Interesting fact about the Great Pyramids of Egypt   Longitude of Great Pyramids of Egypt is 29.9792458°N Speed of light is 299,792,458m/s Simply match those numbers. #As per scientist, it might be possible that donut shape planet may exist in universe. Such planets with shape of donuts are called “torus”. Such a planetary object is called “Synestia”. If two rocky planets collide then a cent

Shravan Maas, Shravana, श्रावण

Shravan Maas, Shravana, श्रावण

Shravana/Shravan Maas/श्रावण is the 5th month in Hindu Calendar. Shravana/Shravan Maas/श्रावण known with different names in different area and culturally diversified India. In Tamil calendar it is known as Avani, Bengali calendar its known as Srabon. 

Shravana is also very important month in entire Indian sub-continent as with this month arrives south-west monsoon in most parts of India.

Shravana/Shravan Maas/श्रावण is the month dedicated for the worship of lord Shiva. As per hindu culture श्रावण is the month of Fasting. Hindu community fast on every Monday for lord Shiva and are popularly called Shravani Somvar. Hindu community believes Shravana as auspicious Month to conduct any religious ceremony or any new good start as all days of this month are auspicious.

Why this Month is called Shravan?

As per astronomical situation Shravan Nakshatra (one of 27 Nakshatras) is ruler in the sky during this month, hence its called Shravan.

Relation of worshiping Lord shiva in the Month of Shravana:

Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean) is very important story in Hindu puranas related to Shravana.  As per Hindu Mythology, In the search of Amrit, Devas and Asuras performed the Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean) during the Month of Shravana. 14 gems were collected from this Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean). 13 gems were distributed amongst Devas and asuras but 14th gem was Halahal and no one was ready to take it. Halahal is very dangerous and deadliest poison which contains the power to destroy entire Universe and no asuras or devas had power to control it. In this situation Lord Shiva drank this halahal and saved the universe. 

Shiva Lord God - Free photo on PixabayImpact of Halahal was so strong that throat of Lord Shiva turned blue. Hence Lord Shiva is also called Neelkantha. To reduce impact of Halahal Lord Shiva wore crescent moon on this head as moon is symbol of coolness. All Devas started showering holy water of Ganga river to reduce impact of Halahal. 

Lord shiva saved the universe by drinking Halahal in the Shravana Hence this month is dedicated for the worship of lord shiva. As per ritual Hindus offer Milk and Bel Leaves to Lord Shiva during worship. 
