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Amazing Facts about world

 Amazing Facts about world  #You have definitely heard of Napoleon and Hitlers name at least once in your entire lifetime.   They share surprising coincidence between them. Napoleon became leader in year 1804 and Hitler became leader in year 1933. Difference between both years is 1933-1804=129 years. Napoleon visited Vienna, Capital of Austria in year 1812 where as Hitler visited Vienna in year1941. Again difference between these years 1941-1812=129 years. Napoleon lost his last battle in year 1816. Hitler lost his last battle in year 1945. Again difference between these years 1945-1816=129 years. #Interesting fact about the Great Pyramids of Egypt   Longitude of Great Pyramids of Egypt is 29.9792458°N Speed of light is 299,792,458m/s Simply match those numbers. #As per scientist, it might be possible that donut shape planet may exist in universe. Such planets with shape of donuts are called “torus”. Such a planetary object is called “Synestia”. If two rocky planets collide then a cent

Amazing Facts about world

 Amazing Facts about world 

#You have definitely heard of Napoleon and Hitlers name at least once in your entire lifetime. 

They share surprising coincidence between them.

Napoleon became leader in year 1804 and Hitler became leader in year 1933. Difference between both years is 1933-1804=129 years.

Napoleon visited Vienna, Capital of Austria in year 1812 where as Hitler visited Vienna in year1941. Again difference between these years 1941-1812=129 years.

Napoleon lost his last battle in year 1816.

Hitler lost his last battle in year 1945.

Again difference between these years 1945-1816=129 years.

#Interesting fact about the Great Pyramids of Egypt 

Longitude of Great Pyramids of Egypt is 29.9792458°N

Speed of light is 299,792,458m/s

Simply match those numbers.

#As per scientist, it might be possible that donut shape planet may exist in universe. Such planets with shape of donuts are called “torus”.

Such a planetary object is called “Synestia”.

If two rocky planets collide then a centrifugal force will exist between them and this force will give donut shape to those planets.

#There exist a coffee called Mellower coffee on which cloud rains. This coffee exist in china.

This coffee served with cotton candy cloud on top of it. That cloud melts in form of rain on coffee because of heat and vapours of coffee.

#There exist a video whose views are not increasing beyond 301. It always show s 301 views. Channel name is Numberphile.

This video uploaded in 2012. Youtube used to freeze number of views on 301 before 8 to 9 years to check if views on videos are genuine or not. After checking, youtube would release that freeze to again resume the count of views accordingly but this video is still stuck in 301 count.

#IQ tests are conducted to identify power of thinking and understanding level of Human Being. 

Average people have IQ level from 90-100.

Stephen Hawkins IQ level was 165 and Albert Einstein IQ level was 175.

But some people in the world did exist or still exist with more IQ level than Stephen Hawkins and Albert Einstein.

1.Marilyn vos Savant was American magazine Columnist born in 1946. Her IQ level was 228, She holds Guinness book of world record for highest IQ level. After her record Guinness book of world record discontinued column of highest IQ. 

2.Terrence Tao was born on 17 July 1975 in Adelaide, Australia had IQ level 230.

3.Nicola Tesla a well known inventor born on 10 July 1856 had IQ level 235. He obtains 300+patents on his name. Also known for his contribution in Current Hydroelectric power plant, X-ray, Wireless transmission, wireless power etc. 

4.Carl Gauss born on 30 April 1777 with estimated IQ 250-300 in Germany. He was very much interested in mathematics. He contributed in Number Theory, Geometry Theory, Probability Theory, Application of functional analysis and operator theory. 

5.William James Sidis born on 1 April1898 with IQ level 275. He entered in Harvard university at the age of 11. He was able to speak 25 languages at age of 8.

#Swedish Millionaire Johan Eliasch purchased 4000000 acre of Amazon rainforest from a logging company for $14000000 for sole purpose of its preservations. 

#Crocodiles are fast on their feet but cannot turn very well. If one is chasing you run in zigzag lines.

#A man in India set world record in 1986 by spending 72 hours in cage with 72 of most dangerous species of snakes in India to spread awareness and to prove that snakes don’t bite unless provoked. He came out of cage unharmed without a single bite. 

#Blood donors in Sweden are sent text message every time their blood is used to save a life. 

#The world’s largest bus route was once between London, England to Calcutta, India in 1957. It was journey of about 50 days and passed through 12 countries. 

#During the black death, incoming ships were forced to wait for 40 days to prevent possible infection.

The Italian word for 40, “Quaranta”, is where we get the word “Quarantine”.

#Opossums can survive upto 80 rattlesnake and coral snake bites. Because of them, there is new and very inexpensive antidote for many different snake venom. 

In addition they are most immune to rabies. 

#There is place in Pacific Ocean called Point Nemo. Its so far from land that nearest humans are often astronauts.

#There is forest in Poland with 400 Crooked trees and nobody knows why?

#The Burj-Al-Arab hotel in Dubai offers their guests 24 carat Gold iPads for the duration of their stay.

#Babies smile on an average of 200 times a day. Women smiles 62 times a day and Man only 8.

#Former Liberian president, Charles King is listed in Guinness book of Records for most fraudulent election reported in history, having won the 1927 election with 234000 votes in a country with 15,000 registered voters. 

# Gamophobia is fear of marriage, relationships or commitment. 

#Hall of fame boxer Sugar Ray Robinson backed out of fight because he had a dream that he was going to kill his opponent in ring. After a priest and minister convinced Robinson to fight, Robinson went into ring and killed his opponent, Jimmy Doyle. 

#There is territory in Costa Rica called Territorio De Zaguates(Land of the stays) which is basically a huge no kill dog shelter where you can hike for free with dogs. 

# Honey Badger is listed in Guinness book of world record as most fearless creature in the world. They eat anything and everything. 

#Humpback whales protect other animals from killer whales, but nobody knows why. Researchers aren’t sure why these whales would put themselves in such danger when it gives them nothing in return.

#In 1987, a guy bought a lifetime unlimited first class American Airlines ticket for $250,000. He flew over 10,000 flights costing the company $21,000,000. They terminated his ticket in 2008.

#Aluminium is one of most regulated materials. Nearly 75% of all Aluminium produced in US is still in use today. 

#Casu marzu is traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae(maggots). This Illegal cheese can only be found in Sardinia.

#In Singapore, Some elevators are equipped with Urine Detection Devices that detect scent of Urine, setting off alarm and closing the doors until the police arrive to arrest offender. 

# The British library adds 6 miles of shelters every year to house every single book published in UK and Ireland, with over 200 million publications. The digital collection stored here is equivalent to 3.5 years of non-stop HD quality  video footage.

#Its possible to faint or die from pooping too hard. Its a rare condition called Defecation Syncope.

#Janet Airlines, a highly classified airline that shuttles military personal in and out of area 51. The name stand for ‘Just another Non-Existent Terminal’.

#Oldest bar in world is in Ireland. Archeological records have found that walls of Sean’s bar have been around and serving since 900AD. It opened over 1100 years ago. 

# The First poisonous bird to be recorded is the “ Hooded Pitohui” with its feathers, skin and tissues having a dangerous neurotoxin called Batrachotoxin.

In high enough doses, such toxins can lead to paralysis and death. The only other animal known to have same poison is Dart Frog.

#Employees who work at Jack Daniels get free bottle of Jack Daniels with their pay checks on first Friday of every month.

#There is popular belief that dogs and cats can sense when they are dying so they isolate themselves from their owners, because they don’t want to make it harder on them. 
