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Amazing Facts about world

 Amazing Facts about world  #You have definitely heard of Napoleon and Hitlers name at least once in your entire lifetime.   They share surprising coincidence between them. Napoleon became leader in year 1804 and Hitler became leader in year 1933. Difference between both years is 1933-1804=129 years. Napoleon visited Vienna, Capital of Austria in year 1812 where as Hitler visited Vienna in year1941. Again difference between these years 1941-1812=129 years. Napoleon lost his last battle in year 1816. Hitler lost his last battle in year 1945. Again difference between these years 1945-1816=129 years. #Interesting fact about the Great Pyramids of Egypt   Longitude of Great Pyramids of Egypt is 29.9792458°N Speed of light is 299,792,458m/s Simply match those numbers. #As per scientist, it might be possible that donut shape planet may exist in universe. Such planets with shape of donuts are called “torus”. Such a planetary object is called “Synestia”. If two rocky planets collide then a cent

Weird Facts About the World

The World is filled with amazing and weird facts that will amaze us. Lets know some of them..

# There are more living thing on and inside human body than there are people living on earth.

# An average 4 year old baby asks around 400 question per day.

# Scientists believe Leonardo da Vinci was able to write with one hand and draw with other at same time. Kind of multitasking.

# Quietest room in the world is situated in Microsoft headquarters, You can hear your own heart beats. It owns world record for it.

# Beijing witnessed largest traffic jam ever In August 2010. It lasted for 10 days and 62 miles long.

# All the Ants in the world will weight as much as the whole human population of planet.

# Purple is least popular colour in the world when it comes to National flags. Only two countries use it one is Dominica and other is Nicaragua.

# There is one town in Honduras where every year, at around same time of year, it rains Fish. Scientist still not able to explain this phenomenon.

# Sweden is largest Island country in world. It has over 221,800 islands.

# China is home of most bicycles in world.

# Hummingbirds heart beats at rate of 1200 beats/min.

# Oldest hotel in the world is situated in Japan. It’s been welcoming guests since 705 CE.

# French was the official language of England for 450 Years.

# It rained diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.

# William Morrison is the name of inventor of cotton candy. He was Dentist by profession.

# World War 2 is called “Blessed War” in European country Iceland. Iceland became independent because of World War 2.

# Human DNA can store Information similar to size of 50 Novels.

# Colour of Hippopotamus milk is pink.
